Run: Intervals Previous Next


5:05 AM

2.7 mi


7:05 mi


74 F
  • Map


Temp 74 Wind 9 mph. Humidity 95% Dew Point 72°.

Track Intervals. Rain breaks, leaving an extra layer of humidity and occasional wind gusts. Have a tad bit of lingering fatigue from weekend volume, but otherwise sharp. Easy jog to the track. Prime with two laps of surge/strides on the straights, walking first lap recoveries and jogging the second.

Original workout plan was 2 x 200, 2 x 400, and 4 x 600 with 200 jogs. Due to circumstances noted above, dropped one of the 200s and one of the 400s. Running in lanes 5/6. Flipped directions after the 200, the 400, and second 600.

200 -- 6:29

400 -- 6:33

600 -- 6:29 / 6:24 / 6:21 / 6:26

Heavy legs hit about the last 500 of last 600. Kept it to a crawl (9:26 average) back to the house. Rolling and flossing with post-run stretch out.
