Run: Long Previous Next


7:34 AM

2.5 mi


7:57 mi


76 F
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Temp 76 Winds Calm. Humidity 90% Dew Point 73°. Warmed into 80s with Heat Index nearing 90°.

Long Run. Obviously less than ideal conditions. Days like this can bury a runner and reek havoc with a training cycle, so will need to play it smart. Head to Arena Park and familiar Sunday Long Run surroundings. CBEM warm-up. Out and back to Mo Run Co. 4.13 miles at 7:44 average pace. Seems longer without co-founder with me to solve local running community's training problems. About fifteen minutes (14:24) of drills and striders. Recovery where it needs to be to do this workout.

Workout is an 11K Alternating Tempo Run. 2 x 2K and 1 x 3K at 15K-10K effort. 4 x 1K at MP Effort. Allowing myself one peek this morning (somewhere between 400 and 800 meters) in first 1K to ensure my read is "on".

1K -- Average Pace = 6:53. Was at 6:59 at peek, so picked it up a little too quick.

2K -- Average Pace = 6:28.

1K -- Average Pace = 7:07.

2K -- Average Pace = 6:33. So far so good, but starting to get warm.

1K -- Average Pace = 7:28. Would have been OK to be soft, but not quite this soft.

3K -- Average Pace = 6:44. OK with this. Ran under control and effort was fine. Feeling the heat and know being right versus being fast (which is a pipe dream today) is what is important about this workout.

1K -- Average Pace = 7:33. Lost focus because I screwed up my 3K...heard a mile chirp on watch and mistook it for a lap alert. Thought it had gone off early, looked down and saw 1.62 distance for lap. 0.62 = a K, so yeah, done. Had gone into MP effort for about a minute...wait, that's not right...3K = 1.86 miles? Crap! Got so disoriented that I didn't hear my final alert and ended up running 6.94 miles (11.17K). Whatever, 12,000 miles over last 5.5 years, do not think not running 400 meters at 6:44 pace is going to effect my race time. I just banked nearly 48:00 minutes of good quality training time, all is good.

Down = 2.52 miles at 7:57 average pace. Was going to go on a south out-and-back, but opted for Hawthorn loop because its mostly shaded. Been wearing the new A5s around the house last few days and popped them on for the initial ride. Oh yeah! Hot and tired, but running tall and running strong during cool-down. Happy with effort today start to finish.
