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8:00 AM

10 mi


9:26 mi


145 bpm
158 bpm


54 F


Temp 54. Warmed to 61. Wind 6 mph. Picked up to 11 mph.

Woke up and felt possible back-slide with cold. Throat itched and head little more congested. Plan today to go 8-10 miles and see what happens. Mapped a six mile route, and will improvise from there. Checked in at 6.35 miles. I'm on a 9:25 pace with a 141 Ave. HR. We're on for double digits today.

Real "cross-training" weather. 1st 4 miles in sun, clouded up, sprinkled some in mile 5, cleared up again, some cold rain in miles 7 & 8, then finished in the sun. Missouri in April!. Below freezing and chance of snow tonight...I laugh at people who plant before Easter and tan before May 1.

Decent splits. Nothing slower than 9:38. Nothing faster than 9:16. All on feel. Two of the faster splits during the rain. That spiked my HR too; probably cost me 1 or 2 bpm on final average. I either subconsciencely wanted to finish before I got drenched, or I'm still not 100% sure the expensive high-tech gadget strapped to my wrist is REALLY water-proof.
