Run: Intervals Previous Next


5:08 AM

2.9 mi


7:17 mi


46 F
  • Map


Temp 46 (42) Wind 8 mph.

Track Intervals. Misty fog. Very little rain, but big cold drops when falling. Woke up disoriented and clumsy. Carried on throughout warm up and into workout.

Jogged to the track, then took two laps to surge the straights. Walk intervals on the first lap, jog intervals on the second.

200 @ 6:42

300 @ 6:51

400 @ 6:41

600 @ 6:44

800 @ 6:40

800 @ 6:53

200 jog intervals between each. Absolutely sucked. Video would have looked like a colt trying to take its first steps. Could not hold back straight and feet/legs flying different direction every stride. Best execution was the 300 and last 800, which happen to be the two slowest.

Jogged back to the house at 8:49 average pace. Best and smoothest I'd been all morning. One penny.
