Run: Long Previous Next


5:16 AM

4.8 mi


8:20 mi


55 F


Temp 55 Winds Calm.

Long Run with Stuff. Returning to CBEGM-style long runs. Lot of success as spry 50 year old. Will see if I still respond in the same way. Now closer to 56 than to 55, so will probably have to manage recovery better.

Base at high school, jog to civic center and back, while stopping at Cascade/Russell for 5 x hill sprints. Probably too ambitious a warm-up route at workouts intensify. Nearly five miles of jogging. May want to shorten the loop to Brookshire in the future?

Change of shoes and hydrate. Workout will be (1) 2 x 12:00 minutes with 3:00 minute recovery jogs, then (2) 2 x 1200 with 400 recovery jog. Will loop the park before hitting hills over to the track where I'll use one lap in the outside lane as approximately 400 meters...cannot hear alerts on this Garmin and will have to estimate time and distance. Starting at a HM effort and will look to work it down to 15K or 10K if possible. Have data field set to "time" and letting effort dictate where pace falls.

1) 11:54 @ 6:59 average pace. Good start. Need to tidy up the stride.

2) 3:00 @ 7:40 average pace.

3) 12:17 @ 6:35 average pace. Into the hills and finish with three laps on the track.

4) One Lap @ 7:37 average pace.

5) Three Laps @ 6:28 average pace.

6) One Lap @ 7:43 average pace.

7) Three Laps @ 6:30 average pace.

Damn...that was encouraging. Hills gassed the legs. After that, all focus on staying under control and managing cardio. Heavy breathing last lap of first 1200. Recovered quickly and then eased into second 1200. No heaving breathing until final 200 meters.

Easy 1.48 mile cool down jog back to the high school. Sunny days make this too easy: Three quarters, four dimes, three nickels, and fifteen pennies.
