Run: Easy Previous Next


5:11 AM

4.5 mi


7:47 mi


53 F


Temp 53 Wind 2 mph.

Easy 30:00 Minutes with Three Striders. Hitting the reset button and heading towards late summer, early fall racing. Amazing morning weather-wise. Bottle it up!!

Residual fatigue in groin / hip flexors. Surface achiness in hams and glutes. Deep muscle fibers feel strong and powerful. Thirty and change jogging at just under 7:50 average pace. Three striders at about 5K effort up the incline in front of my house. Jog / walk recoveries. All topping in mid-5s with no "push".

Got hung up mining in the parking lot at the bottom of Russell Street hill. Quarter, two dimes, four nickels, and eleven pennies. Another dime a block from my house for an 86 cent morning.
