Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:21 AM

3.6 mi


7:22 mi


66 F
  • Map


Temp 66 Wind 4 mph. Humidity 96% Dew Point 64°.

AT Tempo Intervals. Light rain or sprinkles throughout. Enough to wash the crap out of the air, yet not enough to soak my gear faster than the sweat. Warm up with a jog to the track, then walk a turn and surge both straights with a jog recovery in the middle.

Running workout with laps in the outside lanes. Format this morning is 6/1/6. One tempo effort in each direction.

1) Start with 12:00ish minutes at 7:23 average pace.

2) Jog interval of about 2:30 minutes at 8:51 average pace.

3) Another 12:00ish minutes at 7:06 average pace.

Made sure to start with more discipline than Tuesday. Overall 26+ minutes at a 7:22 average pace. Give it a B+.

Easy jog back to the house hitting a couple of extra hills. One dime.
