Run: Intervals Previous Next


5:00 AM

3.5 mi


7:31 mi


37 F
  • Map


Temp 37 (33) Wind 4 mph.

Speedwork. Planned on working up to longer intervals this morning for lactic tolerance time; however, had a crappy night of restlessness resulting in less than 4 total hours of sleep. Will switch off to shorter intervals and focus on efficient turnover.

1) Jog to track hitting some surges along the way.

2) Four laps of strides on the straights and jogging turns.

3) 4 x 200 (6:35/6:45/6:39/6:38) with 200 jogs.

4) 2 x 400 (6:32/6:35) with a 200 jog.

5) 1 x 600 (6:24)

6) Slow, easy jog back to the house.
