Run: Easy Previous Next


4:28 AM

2.3 mi


8:52 mi


54 F
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Temp 54 Winds Calm. Humidity 96% Dew Point 53 degrees.

Twenty-Minutes @ Very Easy Effort. Just enough to get the blood flowing. Fitness soaring. Quads, glutes, hip flexors all full of spunk. Which makes events of yesterday afternoon and evening all that more disgusting and frustrating...

Tingling and weakness in R HS. Same sensations in upper R calf. Off and on pain and throbbing in outside of lower R leg. May be some swelling...muscle symmetry has changed over last three months? R foot does have some mild swelling this morning.

First of four days of nothing but keeping the legs sharp and stimulated. See how it goes. Still moving fine; however, there's an old cliche' about a "one legged man in an @$$-kicking contest". Starting to have problems chasing that out of my head.
