Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:00 AM

6.4 mi


7:05 mi


32 F
  • Map


Temp 32 Winds Calm.

Tempo Intervals. Jog to track and gate on west side roped off. Not wanting to run with wet feet, so avoid snow and run around school on streets to east gate. That one is open. Resulted in extended warm-up. 2.50 miles in 21:32. Two surges up small inclines.

Workout is 2 x 20:00 Minute Tempo w/ 5:00 Minute Jog Interval. Looking at something faster than 3/4s...maybe closer to HM. Couple of ice patches on the north turn, but otherwise track is clear.

Rep 1 Splits: 6:55 / 6:52 / 6:13 (6:50)

Rep 2 Splits: 6:58 / 6:55 / 6:07 (6:54)

Ran on feel. Second one felt a few ticks faster, but I guess not. Earlier week's work catches up to legs about 15:00 minutes into second rep. Straight home for cool-down. 1.45 miles in 13:15.
