Run: Intervals Previous Next


5:09 AM

2.9 mi


7:34 mi


68 F
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Temp 68 Wind 4 mph. Humidity 87% Dew Point 64°.

Track Day. Where Tuesday was for strength, today is for execution. Speed will be there on race day. Jog to the track and prime with two laps of strides on the straights. Walk recoveries first lap, jog recoveries second.

Wearing the Hanzos and also feeling some leg and back fatigue. Should slow me down enough to stay on task and avoid running myself into a FM or Mrs. 60%er interval workout. (1) 2 x 200 (6:55/6:44) with a 200 jog interval. (2) 2 x 400 (6:40/6:37) one in each direction with a 400 jog. (3) 2 x 800 (6:48/6:43) flipping directions in the middle of both with a 400 jog. Numbers not particularly impressive, but workout solid and spot on for purpose.

Extra easy, extra strict jog back to the house in just over 15:00 minutes.
