Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:11 AM

2.9 mi


7:34 mi


34 F
  • Map


Temp 34 (28) Wind 7 mph.

AT Tempo on Track. Dressed for dampness rather than air temps. Needing to starting getting some use out of these "track" shoes again. Warm up with a jog to the junior high. Two laps to prime. Movement probably closer to "striding" than "surging". Walked, then jogged recoveries.

Tempo 6.25 laps in middle/outside lanes in each directions. Splits = 7:38 / 7:33 / 6:41 (7:32) for overall 7:34 average. Hips tired and struggled holding stride together early on. Got easier as things went on.

Easy back to the house. About 0:15 per mile faster than jog over.
