Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:54 AM

3.1 mi


7:07 mi


55 F
  • Map


Temp 55 Winds Calm. Humidity 91% Dew Point 52°.

Tempo Intervals. Cooler air, more humidity...about an even trade. Hours of sleep deficit and windshield time increasing by the day. Overwhelming just a little while longer, but stress has been oozing out all week and less complicated going forward. planned on 20/2X/20 format this morning. Switched to interval format just prior to heading out.

To the track at an 8:26 average pace. One lap to surge the straights and walk the turns. New format is approximate 2 x 2000 at AT effort with an approximate 500 jog interval. First 2000 at 7:01 average. Second 2000 at 6:54. Coasting with low-impact foot strikes, so let the effort creep towards HM. Felt good.

Cool down back to the house at an 8:34 average pace. One dime.
