Run: Run/Walk Previous Next


4:53 AM

7 mi


9:29 mi


55 F
  • Map


Temp 55 Winds Calm.

Hour Plus Run / Walk. Started with 6:00 minutes of walking, then proceeded with 4 x 12:00 minutes running, 3:00 minutes walking. Average paces on the runs: 8:40 / 8:16 / 8:01 / 7:56.

Encouraged by how well ankle held up start to finish and actually detected first signs of strength returning. Will see how it responds and recovers over next 24-48 hours. Had made sure to keep walking only sessions at 60-120 minutes so that when returning to running, increasing walk/run sessions would just be a matter of "filling in the blanks". Today's walking to running ratio at 18/106 (17%). Still managed to average sub 9:30 overall pace. Damn near "running".
