Run: Easy Previous Next


4:52 AM

4.5 mi


8:25 mi


51 F


Temp 51 (46) Wind 11 mph.

Tempo @ HM Effort. And so it ends. Peak workout of training cycle. Continue to test details of hydration / fueling plans. Warmer today, so put extra light layer of gear on to run just a touch hot and check hydration. Also added a shot of EFS Energy Supplement (my personal GU of choice) on top of putting protein on my stomach. No issues with either.

Up = 2.48 miles at 8:06 pace. Two surges. A penny on the street near my "starting line".

Tempo = 45:00 Minutes at HM Effort. To simulate course will start with small incline, then downhill. Will then make my way across parking lot, up another small incline, through a gate, and onto the track.

0:00 - 5:00 = 6:26 average pace. Hit the track at about the 3:00 minute mark.

5:01 - 15:00 = 6:32 average pace.

15:01 - 25:00 = 6:31 average pace.

25:01 - 35:00 = 6:25 average pace.

35:01 - 45:00 = 6:22 average pace.

Total = 6.97 miles at 6:28 average pace.

"Pass", "Win", "A++ Effort"...whatever you want to call it. Legs are gassed with this cumulative fatigue, so locked in mentally to execute strong efficient stride. Did not concern myself with cardio, know its where it needs to be. Worked on relaxing and cleaning up any breakdowns to run each segment just a little better than last one. Flipped directions at 25:00 minutes. Thought I was going to have problems with left turns, but had that "cleaned up" after one lap.

Down = 2.03 miles at 8:47 average pace.
