Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:13 AM

3.6 mi


6:44 mi


75 F


Temp 75 Wind 12 mph. Humidity 88% Dew Point 71°.

Hour Continuous Run with Tempo. 20/24/16 format. Lots to work with this morning. Weather would have to improve greatly to "suck ass". Upping the ante on the tempo segment this week; same time, but much more difficult terrain.

First 20:00 minutes at 8:00 flat. 2.50 miles.

Tempo Segment = 0:00 - 8:00 at 6:48 average pace. Looping City Park. 8:01 - 16:00 at 6:48 average pace. Held pace and held zone over both hills on Oak Street. 16:01 - 24:00 at 6:35 average pace. Thinking it would have had to have taken a 6:35 to 6:40 effort to get over those hills at 6:48. Know that I will have 5:00 minutes on the track to finish. Went ahead and bumped it up a notch.

Last 16:00 minutes at 7:47 average pace. 2.05 miles. Numbers do not stand out, but in these conditions, that was more than acceptable. Overall average pace for the whole hour only one second off last week. Holding zones in this muck at 7:23 average pace for an hour = money work.
