Run: Intervals Previous Next


5:10 AM

1.8 mi


7:36 mi


72 F
  • Map


Temp 72 Wind 6 mph. Humidity 87% Dew Point 68°.

Sharpening Day. Good day for proprioception training. Can't see three inches in front of my face. Jog to the track and two laps with surges/strides on the straights to prime.

Workout = 4 x 200 (6:32 / 6:27 / 6:34 / 6:40) and 2 x 400 (6:24 / 6:24) with 200 jogs. Slowed on #3 200 after flipping directions, then totally lost focus on #4. Got it back together mentally and physically in time for the 400s.

Easy jog back to the house. Lots of windshield and butt in hard chair time over next few days.
