Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:26 AM

4.7 mi


7:48 mi


26 F
  • Map


Temp 26 (22) Wind 3 mph.

AT Tempo Intervals. Wanting to take full advantage of chance to get outdoors. Extra warm up time to reestablish my road legs. Took about a 16:00 minute route to the track, hit two laps of surges/strides on the straights with walking the turns, then did two more with jogging the turns.

Workout is 3 x 5 AT laps with one lap jog intervals. Average 7:36 / 7:36 / 7:45. Good start on the first one. Bumpy early on second one, then lost mental focus in middle. Never got traction on the last one. Very inconsistent. Will blame today on TM rust and promise to do better next time.

Jog back to the house. North wind is picking back up and hips getting tight in cold air. Tomorrow morning's forecast getting more favorable by the hour. Next ice age may not move in until mid-morning. Might be able to get back out one more time this week. Will need to roll some hills.
