Run: Easy Previous Next


4:53 AM

3.8 mi


9:12 mi


35 F


Temp 35 (31) Wind 5 mph.

Hill Day. Back has stayed in place for over 24 hours now; however, will not be able to return to 100% while on this mattress. Wake up with achy hips and upper legs. Numbness in right foot. Have to shut up, deal with it, and show up next few mornings until situation changes. Start with 20:04 warm-up of 2.18 miles. Light rain and off and on sleet. Temps above freezing, so melting when hitting warm pavement. Wet, but not icy.

Improvising on foreign hill. Size it up as a 50 foot climb over 200-220 meters. Little incline first 40-50 meters. Go with springing or bounding first 40 meters, then running the rest of the way. Will alternate springing and bounding each rep. Takes 65+ seconds bottom to top when starting with springing, 60+ when bounding. Too steep to stride the downhill, so will follow with 2:5X minutes of jogging and 1:00 minute walking for rest intervals. Each rep total = 5:00 minutes. Did six reps. Ended up with a strong and solid workout. Happy.

Cool-down jog of 1.65 miles in 15:08. All snow now and coming down harder. Starting to stick to the grass. Outer layer soaked.
