Run: Repeats Previous Next


5:20 AM

0.7 mi


17:39 mi


76 F
  • Map

City Park


Temp 76 Winds Calm. Humidity 85% Dew Point 72°.

See What I Can Do Sunday. Long week of work, travel, heat, humidity, and life-stuff chaos. Deck stacked from the get-go. Warm up for about 30:00 minutes. Jogging and six hill sprints.

Have decided to attempt 4 x 2000 with 400 jog intervals. Going to stick close to the park. Terrain will be mostly flat with only a couple of small inclines. Wanting to get established on the first one (HM effort), then try to push towards 15K and finish at 10K if possible.

1) 2000 at 6:50 average pace.

2) 2000 at 6:52 average pace.

Thought I'd start to feel better by now, but just not happening. Achy, sore, and stiff. Decide to see how next one is going then, make a call on if I want to alter workout. Holding control, but not speeding up. Breathing is fine, however, muscles and joints are not responding. Will go with cut-down format to finish.

3) 1200 at 6:53 average pace.

4) 800 at 6:49 average pace.

5) 400 at 6:36 average pace.

Having trouble hearing the alerts. Went over on the 800 (0.54) and the 400 (0.27). No biggie. Soaked to the bone in sweat and physically feel trashed. (Lost three pounds during workout. Was already down 3-4 pounds from previous week after eating on the road for last six days.) Finish with jog / walk cool down. Amounted to about a 30:00 minute death march. Check heat index when I get back to car. 86°.

Decent jingle day...quarter, three dimes, three nickels, and thirteen pennies.
