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5:14 AM

3.8 mi


6:56 mi


41 F
  • Map


Temp 41 Winds Calm.

Back to the track to sharpen up for Sunday. Working on four and a half hours sleep as restless night got worse after lard-asshole neighbor let dog out at 1:30 AM to bark for a solid hour.

Warm up of 2.53 miles in 23:24. Few drills and a couple of striders. Legs dead.

Workout today is 16 x 400 @ 3K-5K Effort w/ 100 meter Jog Intervals. 0:92 / 0:92 / 0:89 / 0:91. Still tight. Not coming around. Flip directions on the track. 0:89 / 0:90 / 0:91 / 0:91. Still no pop. After 6th rep, thinking hard about cutting this back to 12 x 400. Flip directions again. 0:91 / 0:92. 12 x 400 it is, flip one more time for last two. 0:91 / 0:93.

After twelve, thought could probably push through four more at 0:92 - 0:93. Then thought to do so would probably be at the expense of leaving some of my Sunday race on this track this morning. Forget the turnover stuff, will take today's minutes above threshold, go home, and live to run another day.

Cool-down of 1.79 miles in 16:42.
