Run: Intervals Previous Next


5:10 AM

3.8 mi


7:31 mi


57 F
  • Map


Temp 57 Wind 16 mph.

Track Intervals. Borderline too windy to do this correctly outdoors. Made acceptable by the fact that, up until last night, was looking like forecasted rain was going to force the whole thing indoors and onto a TM. Plan calls for 6-8 x 3:00 Minutes at 5K Effort with 3:00 Minute Jog Intervals.

Warm-Up -- House to track. One lap of surges on the straights with walk recoveries on the turns, then 2 x 200 with a 200 jog interval.

Workout -- 6 x 1.5 laps in outside lanes with 1.0 lap jog intervals. Rep times range from 2:37 - 2:52. Interval times range from 2:09 - 2:20. Average rep paces = 6:54 / 6:51 / 6:42 / 6:41 / 6:43 / 6:39. Flipped directions after #2, #4, and #5. More than apparent right turns were smoother than lefts. The plan's 3:00 minute jog intervals indicates to me that Pete wants execution at effort emphasized over numerical pace on this one. Darkness, wind, and rubber legs from Sunday made staying on task much easier.

Cool-Down -- Back to the house at a 9:15ish pace. Riding the tailwind more than actual jogging.

One checkmark in the box next to "Workout Completed". Two checkmarks in the box next to "Execution Near Perfection".
