Run: Easy Previous Next


5:11 AM

6.1 mi


10:20 mi


28 F


Temp 28 Winds Calm.

Hour @ Easy Effort w/ Drills and Striders. Rough Monday. Went into full-fledge bonk about 10:00 a.m. Barely made it through workday. Home, and other than getting up to eat something and check e-messages, laid on the bed all evening going in and out of deep sleeps until finally crashing for good around 8:30 p.m. Obiviously skipped evening workout.

Better this morning. Still will need to be careful with fluid and food intake all day. Planned off-day on Thursday, so will probably space out the two hard efforts to 36 hours apart. May also keep all intervals on the track and off the hilly streets.
