Run: Easy Previous Next


4:40 AM

3.8 mi


8:23 mi


28 F


Temp 28 (17) Wind 15 mph.

Fast Twitch Day. An extra recovery day of easy jogging between workouts would have been nice, but looking like tomorrow will be a weather-related involuntary day off. Jog from house to track. Two laps of surges/strides on the straights with walk recoveries on the turns, then two more with jog recoveries. Head on out and over to Orchard and Broadridge. Four rounds of hill circuits. Format of 0:30 seconds up, 0:30 seconds down, and a stride at the bottom with jog recoveries in between. Jog/walk recovery in between reps. Typically terrible at downhill running...was worse than that at most times today. Head straight back to the house when done.
