Run: Easy Previous Next


5:29 AM

4.1 mi


7:49 mi


48 F


Temp 48 (45) Wind 8 mph.

XC Tempo Intervals at 3/4s Effort. Nice cool morning. Hams and glutes reminding me I recovered on an unfamilar elliptical yesterday. Good attitude towards getting this one done.

Warm-Up = 16:00 minutes. 2.02 miles at 7:55 average pace. Big penny dump (17) at the bottom of hill on Russell Street. Another two dimes and a nickel.

Workout is 2 x 16:00 minutes at 3/4s effort with 4:00 minute jog intervals. City Park grass is fresh cut for Memorial Day weekend...nice. Run the hilly section of the Jax XC course on both reps. Rep #1 = 2.28 miles at 7:01 average pace. Rep #2 = 2.35 miles at 6:48 average pace. Second one felt much easier?

Cool-Down = 16:00 minutes. 2.08 miles at 7:42 average pace. Left foot getting better; however, expect to spend at least 20 hours on a ladder over next four days. Will see what tune I'm singing come the first of next week.
