Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:59 AM

3.9 mi


7:41 mi


68 F
  • Map


Temp 68 Winds Calm. Humidity 88% Dew Point 64°.

AT Tempo (20/30/20 on Track). Jog to the track with three (sluggish) surges to prime. One of those Tuesdays when the leg muscles are still carrying some of the baggage from the weekend workload.

Used watch again at one lap and 5:00 minutes to ensure proper start. Smooth, easy, and even cardio effort start to finish. Bumpy start physically, but long stretches of "auto-glide" the last twenty minutes. Splits 7:44 / 7:39 / 7:39 / 6:58 (7:42). Overall average 7:41.

Easy jog back to the house and another one is in the log book.
