Run: Intervals Previous Next


8:40 AM

2.2 mi


7:19 mi


47 F
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Temp 47 (41) Wind 14 mph.

Sunday Workout. CBEM rejoined by The HOF JT on a warm, damp early February morning. Perfect conditions for a decent workout; however, this sucked all the way around. Series of events over past 36 hours (on top of everything else) put me in a hole to start with. Poor sleep, irritated / tired back, numb foot and stiff muscles.

Warm-up of 4.14 miles jogging at 8:07 average pace. Extended drill and strider set attempting to get back and tight calf loose. Got things about as good as they were going to get.

Workout is 4 x 2000 with 400 jog intervals. Was looking to hit 6:20ish and better today. Know that is probably not going to happen, so will focus on running them under control and not doing any major damage. Running with Hammer as JT jogs a few recovery miles following yesterday's mile repeats.

Average 6:46 for first 2000. Calf tight all the way and some numbness in right foot. Back / hip stiffens up during recovery jog. Out a little quicker on the second 2000 and made it about 0.24 miles at 6:20ish pace. Started to feel excessive stress and some tork on knee while attempting to protect calf and hip, so yank the plug. Easy jog back to car, get a protein drink, and start tossing gear in the trunk so that I would not be tempted to take off again for more jogging. Hopefully shut it down quick enough. Will spend the rest of the day and tomorrow doing sciatica PT and core work. See how it goes. Got a lot of fitness banked right now, so not that concerned about easing off.
