Run: Easy Previous Next


4:38 AM

3.9 mi


9:37 mi


20 F


Temp 20 Wind 2 mph.

Track Intervals. Big family supper last night (nachos). Wake up with gut on fire. Root canal at 2:30 p.m. today. Have to do speed workout in 20° weather, pitch darkness, and with watery eyes in frosty air. All good excuses to have less than perfect numbers, but not enough to hit the snooze button and roll back over.

Warm up jog to the track and two laps to prime. Average paces on reps: 200 (7:07) / 400 (6:59) / 800s (6:59/6:51/6:37/6:39). Took 200 jog intervals between each and flipped directions after second 800. Not blazing fast, but decent overall execution except for a few bumpy turns. Easy jog back to the house and done for another day.
