Run: Intervals Previous Next


5:04 AM

2.8 mi


8:17 mi


45 F
  • Map


Temp 45 (41) Wind 8 mph.

Speed Work. A tad flat and heavy from high volume, but able to overcome all with a sharp and crisp movement pattern from the first step. Just enough fog to hold the light close to the surface. Can actually see where I'm going this morning.

1) Jog to track and take a lap to surge the straights.

2) Two laps of strides on the straights and walking turns for recovery.

3) Two laps of strides on the straights and jogging turns for recovery.

4) 6 x 200 with 200 jog intervals (6:30 / 6:22 / 6:13 / 6:12 / 6:08 / 5:56). Flipped directions after #3. As good as I've been in a long, long time.

5) Jog back to the house.

Two dimes and two pennies.
