Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:06 AM

5 mi


6:37 mi


31 F
  • Map


Temp 31 (22) Wind 13 mph.

Cut-Down Week Tempo (5.0 Miles at HM Effort). As expected, one of these awkward mornings where dressing for the wind chill means overdressing for the air temperature. Going to sweat and freeze depending on what direction I am running. Right leg started getting achy yesterday afternoon. Hip, quad, and lower leg. Right foot numb and both feet are swollen as shoes feel tight. Leg felt better after warming up. Numbness never completely went away, but leg felt fine once things got rolling.

Up = 2.51 miles at 8:12 average pace. One longer surge which was pretty quick. Two shorter ones which had no pop whatsoever.

Tempo = 5.0 miles at 6:37 average pace. Legs are totally gassed and senses dulled in this gear cocoon. Relaxed and locked in focus on running with smooth biomechanics and letting the pace land where lands. Splits: 6:43 / 6:39 / 6:34 / 6:36 / 6:29. Was all the legs could churn out. Everything considered, not unhappy with those in the least.

Down = 2.44 miles at 8:54 average pace. Dime in the parking lot on the way home.

Tens days out. All that can be done is done. After almost six and a half months, can honestly say that I've squeezed just about all there was to squeeze out of this 53-year old body. Tired as hell, but do not feel beat up or whipped. Confident that I've done the work that will get the best result possible.
