Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:07 AM

3.5 mi


8:09 mi


47 F
  • Map


Temp 47 (44) Wind 5 mph.

AT Tempo Intervals on Track. Tempo = 3 x 4 laps in middle/outside lanes with about 0:75 second jogs. Interval average paces: 8:01 / 7:58 / 8:04. Steady effort until brain checked out last 800m. Best week of training in memory. Not sure what I'm training for? One penny.

From St. Jude Weekend: 6888 in HM and Lenser brothers go 1-2 in 60-64 with 1:34:38 and 1:36:52. 3772 in 10K with winning time in 60-64 of 52:09. 4093 in 5K with winning time in 60-64 of 24:10. Perspective. Feeling better about myself now that the calendar has officially turned over and getting easier not to get down whenever unable to race like a 40 or 50 year old.
