Run: Speed/Drills Previous Next


4:51 AM

0.6 mi


14:38 mi


46 F
  • Map


Temp 46 (41) Wind 9 mph.

Track Intervals. Out the door and straight to the track. 1.79 miles at 8:31 average pace. Big quarter staring me in the face from the parking lot.

Two full drill sets with four short strides to finish warm up.

Workout is 6 x 600 (0.39) with 200 (0.13) jogs. Didn't do myself any favor (or maybe I did) by setting up to hit the headwind on two of the three straights on each rep. Go 2:29 (6:19) / 2:28 (6:20) / 2:26 (6:12) on first three. Got my stride together on the first one just about the time I hit the tailwind. Pretty sure that was too fast for the first of six and probably sealed my fate for later. Flipped directions and went 2:27 (6:18) / 2:32 (6:30) / 2:29 (6:25). Not making the right turns as smooth as the lefts which was causing problems getting back up to speed on the straights. Bill for fast start came due also. Not the best execution, although never let form slip.

Extra slow and easy cool down jog back to the house. 1.61 miles at 9:13 average pace.
