Run: Speed/Drills Previous Next


5:36 AM

2.8 mi


8:06 mi


69 F
  • Map


Temp 69 Winds Calm. Humidity 92% Dew Point 66°.

Sharpening Day. Warm-up, then have to wait out a couple of pop-up storms. Catch an outer ring on the way to the track and get soaked in a 3:00 minute monsoon. Dark clouds overhead have things pitch-ass dark on the black track. Standing water in spots. Starting to sound like a Fat Elvis dissertation, so need to get to it.

1) Jog to the track in 16:01 minutes at 8:51 average pace.

2) One lap of stride the straights, walk the turns.

3) Four laps of stride the straights, jog the turns.

4) 4 x 200 with 200 jogs (6:26 / 6:19 / 6:17 / 6:12)

5) 1 x 400 (6:07).

6) Jog back to the house in 14:43 minutes at 8:55 average pace.

Pre-run warm-up told me my balance was off this morning. Was all over the place with stride until I got to the 200s. Once shit started to come together, shit came together quick and was able to get done what I was out here for.
