Run: Long Previous Next


6:33 AM

5.5 mi


8:45 mi


73 F
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Temp 73 Wind 7 mph. Humidity 80% Dew Point 66°. Warmed to 78. Wind picked up to 12 mph.

Long Run. Two invitees no-show, so its CBEM originals only again. Out and back jog to start warm up. Left foot is fine until hitting a small incline on a left turn coming off the trail at Rodney. Scream or cry moment as sharp pain was followed with numb foot. Hobbled back to base. Brief timeout. Was able to get through drill and strider set, but not without some discomfort. Three of four striders did hit mid to low 5s. Total Up = 5.54 miles / 48:28 minutes.

Workout today is (1) three-mile cutdown, (2) 0.5 mile jog interval, and (3) 2 x 1.0 mile @ 10K effort with 3:00 minute jog intervals. Will test out foot by starting three-mile at 7:00-7:15. Cut down 0.10 seconds per mile from wherever first one lands. Set up for inclines last half of miles one and two. Will protect foot by keeping all the turns rights and wide-as-possible lefts. Shorter strides, and DO NOT STEP ON ROCKS! Plan to abort if necessary.

Three-mile = 6:54 / 6:42 / 6:29. Mile repeats = 6:17 / 6:19. Got through it with only mild, dull pain. Wind picked up, so had to deal with headwind to start and finish mile repeats. Was at 6:19 pace at 800 of second mile. Thought I was going to get to practice dying for last 800, but pulled it together and held pace to finish. Good quality time in just the right zones today despite less than ideal circumstances. Satisfied.

Kinivaras have less heel to toe drop and feel better on my foot, so leave them on for cool-down. 2.20 miles in 18:34. Reclaim the mileage shoebox. Dime and a penny make it a $1.98 week. Angry foot starts to calm down on drive home. On ice again right now.
