Bike: Easy Previous Next


10:00 AM

5.5 mi


16.56 mi / hr

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<No name>


Temp 95 (99) Wind 4 mph. Humidity 39% Dew Point 67°.

Recovery Day. Consumed about half a pound of sugar last night. Wake up with queasy stomach and knifes sticking out of both sides of my head. Got to start putting myself back together. Stretching before spin/jog/spin session. 10:00 minute spins on both sides of a 40:00 minute jog:

2.79 miles in 10:00 minutes.

4.34 miles in 38:07 minutes.

2.73 miles in 10:00 minutes.

Could ring out my sweaty tee shirt and sweeten at least two gallons of tea right now.
