Run: Intervals Previous Next


5:00 AM

2.3 mi


7:19 mi


74 F
  • Map


Temp 74 Wind 3 mph. Humidity 83% Dew Point 69°.

Track Intervals. Warm up with a jog to the track. One surge up a small incline, then two laps of surge/strides on the straights. Walked the turns for recoveries on the first lap, jogged them on the second.

2 x 200/400/600. One each in different direction. Running workout mostly in lane 4 with one lap counting as 400. Jogging 200 intervals after each.

200s -- 6:34 / 6:34

400s -- 6:38 / 6:42

600s -- 6:29 / 6:28

Turnover had started to sharpen and pick up with the 400s. Took a couple of reps for my coordination to catch up. Had it all back in sync in time for the 600s.

Easy jog back to the house for cool down. Wobble board with post-run stretch out.
