Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:58 AM

4.4 mi


7:38 mi


50 F
  • Map


Temp 50 Wind 3 mph.

AT Tempo Intervals.

Warm-Up: Jogged to track, walked a turn, surged for 200, walked 100, jogged 100, then surged another 400.

Workout: (1) Four laps @ 7:27 average, (2) Five laps @ 7:35 average, and (3) Six laps @ 7:32 average. Jogged 200s as intervals in between. First couple of laps too fast for workout and skewed overall pace on #1. In daylight, sure to have been a little faster with significantly less effort. Watery eyes in darkness making for too much mental work to stay smooth. Overall, good time in good zone with minimal physical pounding.

Cool-Down: Jog straight back to house. More runners than autos on the streets. One penny.
