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4:33 AM

4.1 mi


9:27 mi


75 F
  • Map


Temp 75 Wind 2 mph. Humidity 90% Dew Point 72°.

AT Tempo Intervals on Track. Woke up about 1:45 a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep. Might be an interesting day? Jog to the track and hit one primer lap. Tempo = 8:08 Minutes @ 7:50 Average Pace / 1:09 Minute Jog / 7:59 Minutes @ 7:32 Average Pace / 1:17 Minute Jog / 8:13 Minutes @ 7:29 Average Pace. Flipped every four laps, decent zone control, had to watch getting too flat-footed at times, and a swarm of gnats last three laps. Jog back to the house. Two pennies, one copper.
