Run: Long Previous Next


7:12 AM

6.8 mi


6:46 mi


67 F
  • Map

City Park


Temp 67 Wind 5 mph. Humidity 89% Dew Point 65°.

Long Run. CBEM split this week. Hammer hitting the hilly COR course with BK to sharpen for HM while I am needing to stay on flat / gentle rolling for last hard workout prior to next race. (When it comes to our training, one thing we're not is "sheepeople".) Things were looking rough yesterday twenty-four hours removed from hill repeats and squats. Acted my age, cleaned up my diet, got some sleep, and woke up good enough to do this.

Up = 5.38 miles. Four and a quarter jogging at 7:38 average pace, drills, and striders. Dime, six pennies, and a Wal-Mart gift card. Dang it, $0.00 balance.

Cut Down Tempo Intervals for workout. 3-Mile, 2-Mile, and 1-Mile @ 15K Effort with 400 Jog Intervals. Working in and around City Park; staying mostly flat with only a few small rollers.

Three Mile Splits: 6:37 / 6:33 / 6:31 -- Normally OK on this type of terrain, but maybe a bit fast with my tired legs.

Two Mile Splits: 6:29 / 6:38 -- Yep, had to back off in second mile to stay in right zone.

One Mile Split: 6:27 -- Toasted my legs on small roller half way through and relaxed last 800. Felt slower than it was.

Down = 2.10 miles at 7:38 average pace. No doubts as to what "easy pace" was this morning. Other than fifth tempo mile, pretty good day's work.
