Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:04 AM

3.3 mi


6:57 mi


61 F
  • Map


Temp 61 Wind 8 mph.

AT Tempo (20/2X/15 Format). Testing out the new Hanzos this morning. First time out the door and The Weather Channel misses the rain onset forecast by about two hours. Fortunately still have the original packing paper to re-stuff, absorb the water, and dry out.

Jog a 1.86 mile route to the track at 8:27 average pace. Take two laps to surge/stride the straights and walk the turns.

AT run will be six laps in each direction. Getting a feel for running in the new shoes, so no clock watching whatsoever. Average 6:57 for full tempo. After first lap (which was too fast), basically floated in 7:00-6:55 range. Cardio on last couple of laps indication of running a tick or two above normal AT effort.

Cool down jog back to the house of 1.61 miles at 8:42 average pace. One penny.
