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4:46 AM

3.6 mi


8:30 mi


32 F


Temp 32 (27) Wind 5 mph.

AT Tempo Intervals. Nice January weather for a tempo. Streak is at two of sleeping through the night; makes a big difference. Lower back recovery moving forward. Mild soreness and fatigue in hip flexors and upper quads from playing on wife's new elliptical last couple of days. Keeping it basic and simple today.

Up = 1.85 miles at 8:14 average pace over to the track. About 10:00 minutes of drills, a couple of strides, and ready to roll.

Workout = 2 x 15:00 Minutes AT Tempo Intervals w/ a 3:00 Minute Jog. Start with 3:00 minutes on the track, next 20:00 minutes were hilly, and final 10:00 minutes on flat and rolling. Splits = 7:18 / 7:20...would have been dead even had there not been a stop at Main and Jax Blvd traffic light to dodge several cars coming from two different directions. Made too sharp a turn in middle of an incline at about 30:00 minutes and got a poke in the lower back. Otherwise it held up fine. Stride straight and true from first step; all I had to do was focus on keeping effort in target zone. Very productive half hour.

Down = 1.78 miles at 8:45 average pace. Haven't been able to get out and collect for a few days. Things starting to pile up and most of it was good...quarter, five dimes, three nickels, and three pennies.
