Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:24 AM

5.1 mi


7:02 mi


38 F
  • Map


Temp 38 (31) Wind 11 mph.

LT Tempo Intervals. Some 10K training on the agenda. Lots of commute time with work this week. Lingering tightness that is not helped by the chilly temps and wind this morning. Extra dynamic stretching, then 2.51 mile route to the track with three surges. One up a small incline and two on the track, into and with the wind.

Not firm on workout structure going in. Will play it on the fly. Using middle of the track again equating one lap with 400m. Start with an 800 to finish priming and get a feel of where my turnover is today. Average Pace = 6:37. Should be able to get good LT work in at a 6:40ish pace today with extended interval distance. Next up, go with a 1200. Objectives (1) to even out effort between headwind, tailwind, straights, and turns plus (2) push closer to LASS. Average Pace = 6:42. Just about right, so will finish off with a 2000 and a 2400.

2000 @ 6:44 Average Pace. Legs started getting heavy at the end and difficult to keep turnover fast enough to hit top end of desired cardio effort.

2400 @ 6:45 Average Pace: Strategy was first two laps with discipline, next two steady, and strong finish on last two. Ran good enough to cap off the morning with some quality time. Overall workout about 90% of event duration.

Down = Extra easy 1.94 miles at 9:36 average pace on an in-direct route back to the house. Two pennies today.
