Run: Intervals Previous Next


5:18 AM

3.6 mi


6:59 mi


57 F
  • Map

City Park


Temp 57 Winds Calm.

Interval Day. Start out with some tired glutes and upper HSs from PTs and testing out new strength exercises over the past week. Back is so-so after long day in the car on Monday.

Warm-up jogging for about 18:00 minutes, then hit a couple of striders before faster stuff. 2.51 miles total in 19:43.

Plan is -- 800 / 2-3 x 1 mile / 800 with 400 jog intervals. Working on the roads on the edge and through City Park. Focus will be on running fast with good, strong form rather than balls out mile repeats.

Ease into it with first 800 in 3:22 (6:44). Mile one with one incline 6:26. Second mile with two inclines 6:32. Running 6:25 pace at 0.36 into third mile when sudden and hard cramp hit me from just above the back of right knee all the way down the calf and to the ankle. Pull up and step off to the side of the road. Talk a few minutes and walk it off, but go ahead and call it a day. Wasn't "killing it" today anyways.

Started easy jog for cool down. Wanting to make sure that was just a cramp. Notice that hip flexors and quads are pretty gassed also. No pain, so go ahead and pick it up after about 7:00 to 8:00 minutes. Total Down = 2.10 miles in 17:43. Stretched out after run with no pain or discomfort. Two pennies.
