Run: Easy Previous Next


4:55 AM

4 mi


8:39 mi


72 F


Temp 72 Wind 4 mph. Humidity 92% Dew Point 69°.

AT Tempo Intervals. Head out the door as soon as the rain heads out of the city limits. Takes 16:00 minutes to jog straight to the track at an 8:46 average pace. One lap of strides on the straights and recovery walks on the turns to prime.

Tempo format 2 x 12:00 minutes. Take a 2:40 jog interval and flip directions in the middle. On task from the first step this morning. First 12:00 very easy at 7:20 average pace. Second 12:00 same effort at 7:08 average pace, but took a little more work to make right turns and stay tall with fatigue in lower back. Overall, very pleased.

An easy 15:00 minutes back to the house at 8:16 average pace. Quality time on my feet.
