Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:55 AM

7.6 mi


6:43 mi


58 F
  • Map


Temp 58 Wind 8 mph. Humidity 99%.

Tempo Intervals. So much for sleeping in a few extra minutes. Do it now, or do it inside. Warm for October and will work in some humidity and a little wind.

Up = 2.66 miles at 7:59 average pace. Two surges. West gate still locked yesterday afternoon. Went to the east gate and was going to do entire workout on track. Chain gone and gate opened, so jogged on over to top of hill on West Lane to practice my downhill start again. Extra couple of minutes warm-up time.

Tempo Intervals = 3 x 15:00 Minutes at HM Effort with 3:00 Minute Jog Intervals. Flipped directions after each one. First two 15:00 minute segments both average 6:34 pace. Effort on first one felt right, but not confident in my turnover read. Peeked at 15:00 minute lap pace during jog interval and saw it was fine. Second one strong physically and cardio just fine. Started to rain and was coming down steady at start of last 15:00. Cardio held with no problems controlling breathing; however, legs started getting mushy after about 8:00 - 9:00 minutes. Not as strong and smooth on the turns and not as much pop down the straights. Gear soaked. Average 6:41 pace. (Track positioning at 3:00 minute alerts and finish not that much different than first two; wondering if that 6:41 may not be more a result of impaired Garmin reception.)

Down = 1.81 miles at 8:51 pace. Wet and cold. Workout was good while it lasted. Probably not as bad as it looks considering was done in darkness and rain.
