Run: Speed/Drills Previous Next


5:05 AM

1.2 mi


9:18 mi


77 F
  • Map


Temp 77 Wind 4 mph. Humidity 93% Dew point 74°.

Fast Twitch Day. Wanting to put a little tension in my legs before the weekend. Been achy with some muscle weakness for last 24-36 hours. Thinking this may not be training related, but rather that it was triggered, then helped along, with a couple of dietary choices. Legs felt fresh from first step and had some pop when doing explosive drills, so got some support for the diet theory.

Up = 2.03 miles at 8:44 average pace. Over to the track.

Strength Intervals = Springing, bounding, high knees, and striders. Skipping the jump squats due to adding hill sprints.

Bridge = 1.67 miles at 8:07 average pace. Track to Russell Street hill in City Park.

Hill Sprints = 4 x 0:15 seconds with 2:00 minute walk intervals.

Down = 1.68 miles at 8:22 average pace. Back to base. One penny.
