Run: Long Previous Next


6:15 AM

8.4 mi


8:18 mi


56 F


Temp 56 Winds Calm. Humidity 84% Dew Point 51°.

Long Run. Solo today with CBEM training partner back in Hawkeye land for the weekend. Ideal July morning. Staying close to home, so end up dilly-dallying around and getting a late start. Get to park and realize I left my snot-rag at home. Also see the park grass is tall and wet. Swing back by the house on my warm-up and pick up rag and extra pair of dry socks for cool-down. Money everywhere. Had first of three cycles and over a buck before first mile alert. Total up = 5.29 miles. Four plus jogging at just under 8:00 average pace, drills, and striders.

Workout starts with 20:00 minutes XC. Wanting to start at 3/4s to HM effort and be progressive every 5:00 minutes. Feet soaked after first few steps, but felt out a little quick. Didn't bother checking watch, just tried to relax without slowing down. First 5:00 at 6:48 pace, then 6:45, 6:51 (hit the steep hills and sharp turns section), and finishing on flat ground at 6:35. Took a 5:00 minute jog interval, then...

...2 x 1200 back on the paved roads with a couple of small rollers. Will take 400 jog intervals after each. Looking to do these at 15K to 10K effort. Average pace on first one 6:30; even lost a few seconds stopping to pick up 16 cents. Second one at 6:21 and felt like running on cruise control.

Finish with a 3.13 mile cool-down. Again at just under 8:00 average pace. So nice today, did not really want to quit. Felt like I could have run an ultra today. Total haul = Three quarters, six dimes, three nickels, and eleven pennies for a $1.61 total.
