Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:05 AM

3.4 mi


7:11 mi


59 F
  • Map


Temp 59 Wind 2 mph. Humidity 92% Dew Point 57°.

Tempo Intervals. Stiff. Multiple joints need to pop. Extended dynamic stretch warm up before heading out and straight over to the track. Several pickups, then walked a couple of turns and hit strides on a couple of straights.

Workout is 2 x 10:00 minutes at HM effort with a 3:00 minute jog interval. Estimating that 10:00 minutes at this effort will cover about 5.5 laps. Clear skies, but foggy and dark. Three layers of gear on top in muggy air. Lots of beneficial training variables.

1) 10:27 @ 6:55 average pace.

2) 3:12 jog interval.

3) 10:46 @ 6:59 average pace.

Ran on feel. Focused on strong, mechanically sound stride on first 10:00. Second 10:00 relaxed and keep close to aerobic line. Efforts spot on and even. Pace variance attributable to better left turns on #1 versus choppy rights on #2.

Walked around to the front of the school, then jogged easily home.
