Run: Intervals Previous Next


5:16 AM

3.7 mi


7:31 mi


28 F
  • Map


Temp 28 (22) Wind 6 mph.

Track Intervals. Magill's Plan calls for 12-16 x 400. Think that is way too much speedwork volume for me. Hell, sounds more like a 5K race than an interval workout. Will attempt to modify somewhere between slacking and just right. Jog to the track and take two laps to surge/stride the straights. Walk intervals on the first two turns, then jog intervals on the last two.

Workout will be 2 x 200 with 200 jogs, then another 8 x 400 with 200 jogs. Focused on running execution and only timed first two 400s (6:45 / 6:47) and last 400 (6:47). Except for cardio, everything about this was a chore. Frosty glaze on the track, darkness messing with my proprioception, tired back, and heavy legs. Recorded reps appear to indicate entire workout was run fairly evenly. Probably true. Graph showed was surging along the straights to 6:30-6:15, but slowing down to 7:00ish to navigate the turns. Felt that way when running.

Started the cool down with a couple more laps on the track chatting with BM1976. finished with a slow jog straight back to the house.
