Run: Intervals Previous Next


5:12 AM

2.3 mi


7:40 mi


54 F
  • Map


Temp 54 Winds Calm.

Track Intervals. Wishing for my brother in CBEGM that this morning was Sunday. Start my day with a jog to the track. Two laps of strides on the straights to prime. Walk, then jog recoveries on the turns.

Workout is 6 x 200 and 2 x 400 with 200 jog intervals. Average Paces = 6:44 / 6:41 / 6:42...flip directions...6:33 / 6:41 / 6:34...flip directions for 400s...6:25...flip...6:18.

Easy jog back to the house. No coins, but a crumpled up $1.00 bill. Spends just as good as the crisp ones.
